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Website Privacy Policy

Date Privacy Policy was last Updated: 6/10/2011

At RealEstate Business Intelligence (RBI), we are committed to the protection and security of any information that you provide to us as users of our website located at www.mfr.rbintel.com ("Site"). We want you to know that we truly respect and will protect your privacy as set forth in the Privacy Policy, so you can enjoy using our services which allow us to better serve your needs.

Our Privacy Policy discloses our approach to privacy and how your personal information is collected on this Site and used. Your use of our Site constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your consent to the practices it describes.

What Information We Collect

Generally speaking, our Site is informational. We do not collect any personally identifiable information unless you voluntarily provide it, such as when you provide us account information, submit a complaint , submit an application or register to become an RBI customer, register for or post an entry to our forums, or send a message to us through our feedback form. If you register for an account, as part of that registration we may collect personally identifiable information that you submit, such as your name, billing information (e.g. credit card numbers), company name and title. We also may collect any personal information that you submit for posting on our forums. If you send an email or other message through the services on this Site, we will collect the recipient's contact information but we will only use that information to send the email or other message to the recipient you have selected.

As is the case when you visit most websites, to administer our Site, your visit to our Site triggers the automatic logging of certain anonymous information about your computer system such as the type of browser you use, the server name and your "IP" (Internet Protocol) address ("Aggregate Data"). When your Web browser or email application requests a Web page or email from another computer using the Internet, it automatically gives that computer the "address" where it should send the information. This is called your computer’s "IP address.”

How We Protect Your Information

We also want you, our visitors, to know that we take the security of your information seriously and that we take measures that are reasonably designed to protect the files in our data system. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that are reasonably designed to guard your nonpublic personal information from uses or disclosures not described herein.

You need to know, however, that due to the open communication nature of the Internet we cannot guarantee that communication between you and us, and between us and you, will be free from unauthorized access by third parties nor can we be responsible for information stolen from our servers or computer systems by information harvesting software which may have the ability to scrape data.

How We Use Your Information

When we ask you for personal information, we tell you, or it will be clear, why we need any personally identifying information from you. More specifically, we may use your personal information to fulfill a request from you or to provide information or services to you, such as when you submit an application to become an RBI customer, register for or post an entry to our forums, or send a message to us through our feedback form, to provide you with notices regarding services you have purchased services you may want to purchase in the future, verify your authority to enter the Site and improve the content and general administration of the Site. If the Site includes functionality that enables you to post content to forums on the Site, other users may be able to view [your username] and the information you have posted to the Site (including any personal information therein).

We may use your Aggregate Data, but such information will be maintained, used and disclosed in aggregate form only and it will not contain personally identifiable information. We may use such Aggregate Data to diagnose server problems, analyze trends, administer and improve the Site, track users' movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

Disclosures of Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information to our parent company, Metropolitan Regional Information Systems, or to other entities within our corporate family to improve our services. Otherwise, we do not share any personal information we may have about you with unaffiliated third parties except as stated below.

We may provide or provide access to your personal information and the Aggregate Data to the vendors and service agencies that we may engage to assist us. For example, we may provide your personal information to a credit card company to process your payment for services.

We may also disclose, transfer, sell or assign your information obtained through this Site to a third party as a result of a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization or liquidation of RBI. We will also disclose your personal information and the Aggregate Data if we reasonably believe we are required to do so by law, court order, warrant, subpoena, legal process or regulation or in cooperation with any governmental investigation. RBI reserves the right to investigate, involve and cooperate with appropriate authorities regarding any fraudulent or other illegal or unauthorized activities involving this Site, and to disclose any personal information necessary for such purpose.

We Want To Provide Only Information You Want or Need

The information we send to you may include statistical analysis, market trend reports, billing notices, and service guides. If you do not wish to receive information from us, you may optout of receiving certain information [(except billing notices)] by following the instructions in the particular communication or by checking the corresponding sections of our Site for optout instructions.

Cookie Technology

Cookie technology is employed on our Site. Cookies help us keep track of the pages that you visit while on our Site. In case you did not know, "cookies" are small text files sent by Web servers to be stored on the computers of website users. These files often contain personalization settings or unique identifiers to keep track of your information and to help us understand the movements of users within and between our Site and other websites. Cookies generally do not permit us to personally identify you.

Children’s Privacy

RBI recognizes the privacy interests of children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. This Site is not intended for children under the age of 13. RBI does not target this Site to children under 13. RBI does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13.

Links to Third Party Sites

The Site may provide links to other websites or resources over which RBI does not have control (“External Web Sites”). Such links do not constitute an endorsement by RBI of those External Web Sites. You acknowledge that RBI is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and further agree that RBI is not responsible for the content of such External Web Sites. Your use of External Web Sites is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies located on the linked to External Web Sites.

You Can Change Your Information

You can update or correct your contact information by logging on to your account at RBIntel.com.

Privacy Statement Changes

We reserve the right to change or amend our Privacy Policy to address new issues of privacy and information security and to reflect changes to our Site or business practices. Any new changes and/or amendments will be posted on this page with a conspicuous change notice and we may send registered customers an email notice of the change. Each version of this Privacy Policy may be identified by its date last updated which is located at the top of the page.

Users Outside of the United States

Our computer systems are currently based in the United States, so your personal data will be processed by us in the U.S. where data protection and privacy regulations may not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world, such as the European Union. If you create a user account with the Site as a visitor from outside the United States, by using the Site you agree to this Privacy Policy and you consent to the transfer of all such information to the United States, which may not offer an equivalent level of protection of that required in the European Union or certain other countries, and to the processing of that information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Questions About Our Privacy And Information Security Practices

Your visit to this Website is subject to both this notice and our Terms of Use.
If you have any questions about our privacy practices or procedures, please feel free to contact us as follows:

Email info@rbintel.com

RealEstate Business Intelligence, LLC
9707 Key West Avenue, Suite 200
Rockville, MD 20850-3915

We will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly address your inquiry.

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